A Successful Business Card Design

Some of you may have seen a post from me yesterday on different social media sites. I shared a link to a post that I found particularly helpful as a designer. The article was written by Brian Morris for Speckboy Design Magazine entitled “10 Reasons Your Business Card Sucks.”  As a graphic designer, I expected to read the article and find that my business card had passed these 10 reasons with flying colors. To my surprise, I found that my card needed a makeover. I immediately got to work redesigning my card. Now before I continue with my findings, I’ve included the new result so that I can get some feedback. Please let me know what works well and what doesn’t…I still have not sent it off to the printer!

TKdesigns BIZ CARD sample for blog


On my previous business card there was no discount offer or call to action. You will see that I added a 10% discount for first time clients. This should convert more new clients.


In the article Morris warned against business cards that look like everyone else’s (especially important for a designer). For a quick fix I oriented the card vertically. This did not fully explore Morris’ idea of using different shapes or die-cut cards, but it should, nonetheless, stand out from the vast majority of horizontal business cards.


When designing a business card, we cannot forget that we are in a rapidly evolving technological age. Therefore, I added a QR code so that a potential client can scan my card with a smart phone and instantly be redirected to my website (Go ahead. Try it out if you have a QR reader on your phone!). Now, I know that not everyone has embraced the QR codes, but it shows a potential client that I am current and tech savvy. I have also included social media icons to communicate the importance of an online presence.


I realized from the article that I was not using my business card to promote special offers. Printing cards is very cheap, and small business owners can benefit greatly by treating their business cards like promotional flyers and seasonal ads. I had the same card for almost 5 years…about time for a change.

Again, please send me some constructive criticism on my new card design. And if you have any design needs feel free to contact me and mention that you would like the 10% discount mentioned on my card!